Hearing Aids Give You Back Your Hearing


Hearing aids, which utilize extremely advanced technology and provide elevated benefits to people suffering with hearing loss. Hearing Aids are designed to help the person who suffer from hearing loss to have greatly improved hearing. There are two types analogue or digital, depending on how the sound is amplified. Digital are similar to analogue that they both have a microphone which collects the sound waves in the air and converts them into electrical energy. This electrical energy is amplified and fed into a small speaker which converts the amplified electrical energy back into sound waves to feed into the ear channel to energise the eardrum.

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Digital Hearing Aids differ from analogue in that the amplifying part of the process is carried out digitally, which converts it into 'bits' of data by a tiny computer type chip in the Hearing Aids. These 'bits' which represent the sound are then analysed and manipulated by a process called Digital Signal Processing. Software is then used to carry out precise changes to the `bits` of information such as reducing the amplification of background noise. These electrical bits of information are then fed to a minute microphone and converted back into sound, which is fed into the ear channel to act on the eardrum.

The hearing loss can be very different in sufferers so it is most important that the digital hearing aids is configured exactly to compensate for the individual. The first step in providing the correct aid is to find out what particular hearing loss the sufferer has. A hearing test should be carried out by an audiologist who will determine the level of hearing over a wide range of frequencies and produce as audiogram - a chart of your hearing responses. With these results the digital hearing aids can be set up to compensate for the loss of hearing in particular areas. It is also possible the hearing aids may be set up just to allow the sufferer to hear voices and restrict any other sounds etc.

Some Digital Hearing Aids have also a built in circuit that will protect your ear from very loud sounds which could cause damage. Others also have facilities for suppressing Tinnitus in the ear.

It can be seen that a Digital Hearing Aids will help with hearing loss giving greater control of what can be heard and what is not wanted. However it is most important to understand that no hearing aids will give you back normal hearing and also it will take a little while to get used to the new sounds reaching the ear


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