Hearing Aids For Better Listening - Sonicindia.co.in

If the sense of hearing is
lost, it can't be restored and definitely will affect human conversation in a
large manner. If you have trouble hearing in background noise or in group
situations, whether they are always turning the TV / high volume of the radio
to hear more clearly, if you have trouble understanding unless you're looking
directly at the speaker, if always seems that people are mumbling, you are
probably one of the more than 25 million people suffer from high frequency
hearing loss.
People with this hearing loss,
which is associated with aging, losing the ability to clearly hear higher
frequencies, while the ability to hear lower frequencies often remains the
same. Lower frequencies, the noise of the crowds, noise in general restaurants,
the background sounds on TV, etc. stronger and seem to dominate the higher
frequencies that are crucial for understanding speech. The sound becomes
Conventional hearing aids to
block the ear canal. Therefore, all sounds travel through the earpiece and are
amplified. Without the custom of the assembly, testing and audio programming
would be strong, but still confused. Today's technology allows tremendous gains
in performance and features of Hearing aids
and has helped resolve many issues and objections. But along with the benefit
comes the very high cost. So high, millions of seniors can not afford hearing

New Technology type of hearing
aids is great for Amplification of high frequency. It can also be manufactured
and distributed to be very affordable. A behind the ear style, this Hearing
aids does not use a mold of your ear to ear is not plugged. Instead,
the sound is fed into the ear canal through a tube quite small to fungi in the form of silicone tip that
slipped into the ear canal. The tip is ventilated to allow natural sounds and
air to pass inside and outside the ear canal. The Open Ear style is very
comfortable, and provides clear, crisp and natural, whereas the sound quality
is almost invisible. The Open Ear style takes advantage of the natural
acoustics ears, and reduces the effect of occlusion - the feeling connected often
experienced with conventional hearing aids. For the first time users of hearing
aids and veterans with mild to moderately severe high frequency hearing loss,
there is simply no better choice. Custom ear molds are not needed, which can be
programmed to adjust to their hearing loss or pre-purchased for the common
high-frequency hearing loss greatly reduced prices.
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