How is Hearing Loss Treated?

Treatment depends on the type of hearing loss, how severe it
is and its cause. Common treatments include medicine, operations, hearing aids,
or other assistive listening devices, which emphasize voices and help to hear
better in noisy situations. With early treatment, most of us will be able to
hear normally again, and most importantly will be able to develop speech and
Hearing aids are kind of tiny amplifiers. It helps in making
sounds louder as per our need so that we hear is clearly. Hearing aids transmit
amplified sounds from eardrum and middle ear to the inner ear or cochlea. Technology
is very advanced nowadays accordingly our hearing aid are also developed to get
all range of Hearing Aids in Delhi,
you can go in any trust worthy hear care centre. Type of aids available that can adjust the
volume of sounds automatically.
For those who can't hear or understand words properly even
with the help of hearing aids, there is a device called a cochlear implant.
This is tiny piece of electronic equipment that is put into the cochlea during
an operation. It takes over responsibility of damaged hair cells in the cochlea
by turning sounds into electrical signals that stimulate the hearing nerve
directly. If we talk in simple term than cochlear implant is an electronic
medical device that does the work of damaged parts of the inner ear (cochlea)
to provide sound signals to the brain.
What is Hearing aids?

Hearing aid is an electronic device, it comes in different
pattern as per patient need. This device play a major role of amplifier that makes sounds louder so that a
person with hearing loss can listen, communicate & participate more fully
in each and every daily activities. A hearing aid helps people hearing in quiet
and noisy situations. However, only one out of five people who get benefit from
a hearing aid.
Hearing aid having three basic parts i.e a microphone,
amplifier & speaker. Now let’s see how hearing aids works, it receives sound through microphone which
converts sound waves to electrical signals and send to amplifier. Amplifier in
hearing aids increases power of signals and then sends them to ear through a
Different types of
hearing aid available:
-Behind the ear hearing aids, which go around the top and
back of the ear
-In the ear hearing aids, which is small hearing aids that
fit in the opening of the ear
-In the canal hearing aids, which is very small hearing aids
that fit a bit further into the opening of the ear, so they're just visible
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