Hearing Loss can Affect Personal and Work Life


Many people with hearing loss experience a drop in self confidence because of their affected hearing ability to communicate with other people. Hearing loss can also limit ability to learn & speak a new language.  Your hearing ability can be reduced by a variety of factors. It can either be hereditary or acquired later on in life, It ranges from mild hearing loss to profound hearing loss.

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Hearing loss can affect us in three main ways:
•        Very few of educational and job opportunities.
•        Isolation from social networks.
•        Due to a drop in self-esteem and confidence personality decreases day by day.

Two main types of hearing loss!
       -Conductive' hearing loss, It can be caused by:
        •         Either Outer or middle ear infections.
        •         Damaged ear drum
        •         Due to ear wax.

       -Sensorineural hearing loss, It can be caused by:
        •         Ageing.
        •         Exposure to loud noise for extended period of time.
        •         Any diseases.
        •         Any prescribed chemicals and medications.

Hearing aid is a small device that you wear in or behind ear. It makes sounds louder so that a person with hearing disability can listen, communicate better. It has three basic parts: microphone, amplifier & speaker. To get Hearing aid in India, you don’t have to search a lot just look at your surrounding for sure you will find any hear care service provider. But trust only best consultants as experience matters, they can give you best solution by their knowledge and experience.    

Before hearing aids can be fitted, the right ones need to be selected. This takes place during a consultation with the hearing care professional after all the diagnostic hearing tests have been completed. During this time, consultation will review the results of your hearing tests with you and explain how those results determine the kind of hearing aid you may need. For example, more severe hearing loss usually requires a more powerful hearing aid. Digital Hearing aid in India are very popular now a days. This is very advanced device advisable for almost all type of hearing. 


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