Do You Need a Best Hearing Aids?

Looking for the best hearing aid. Millions of people who could
benefit from a hearing aid but have never seen
an audiologist or discussed their partial hearing loss with their doctors.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics (part of the Centers for
Disease Control), only one in five people who could improve their hearing
through the use of hearing aids actually wears them.
You may also be surprised by the variety of people who have
hearing loss. Although both sexes lose some level of hearing over time, men
experience diminished hearing about 10 percent more often then women of the
same age. Men are also less likely to see the doctor or get Hearing aid.

It's estimated that twenty-eight million Americans have some
kind of hearing loss. That's an impressive number, and many of them are
individuals who are still in their thirties and forties. In fact, one out of
twelve people have already become hearing impaired by the time they are thirty
years old. As age increases so does the need for a hearing aid. Sixty-five
percent of the people who would benefit from hearing aids are below retirement
age, which can have a definite impact on their careers. By the time people are
75 years old, 45 percent of them have significant hearing loss.
The statistics are troubling. They indicate that millions of
people who have some degree of hearing difficulty aren't using hearing aids.
With the newer sizes, styles and technologies now available, anyone who is
bothered by even a small degree of hearing loss can be helped with customized
hearing aids prescribed by licensed audiologists. Many people are surprised by
the small size and unobtrusive appearance of their first hearing aid. Are you
one of the millions of Americans who should consider a hearing aid? There are
several signs to look for:
If you are experiencing any of the above problems, a hearing aid
may help. Talk to your doctor about getting an appointment with an audiologist
to have your hearing checked. The majority of people with partial hearing loss
can use hearing aids to improve
their hearing, and today's models are better than ever. There is no reason to
struggle with your hearing loss on a daily basis when a simple hearing aid can
give you the pleasure of hearing clearly again.
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