Large Variety of Hearing Aid Styles & Features to Treat Hearing Loss

Looking for the best Hearing aid?
Hearing aid devices amplify the sound and enables the user to percept speech
and other sounds properly. The technology used in hearing devices have come a
long way since Harley Fletcher invented the first hearing aid known as Body
worn aids. Now there are several devices available which offers better comfort
and efficiency than their earlier counterparts.
BTE is the cheapest and easiest
to use among Hearing aids. This comes
with a case that is placed behind the ear and a tube that runs down to the ear
mould. The amplifier is inside the case which routs the sound into the ear
through the tube. Since, the case sits outside, BTE requires less frequent
cleaning. BTE is available in different colors and shade to match with the
skin. Advancement in technology has now produced miniature BTEs which has thin
hair like tubes which are less visible. It also uses a larger vent to keep the
ear canal more open.
ITE devices are made to fit in
the outer ear bowl. These are custom made devices for each individual and are
sometimes visible while standing close to someone. Traditionally ITEs are
recommended for children since these needed to be replaced frequently as the
child grows. However the new ITEs made with silicon provides a solution to the

This is similar to the BTE with
one significant difference. The receiver is placed in the ear canal and instead
of the tune electrical wires are used. This device offers better reception of
sound since it does not need to be routed in to the ear from an outside part.
The RITE devices eliminate many limitations of the BIT.
ITC devices are smaller and
invisible since it fits inside the ear, but it is also more expensive because
it needs to be custom made for each individual.
The IIC is the most comfortable
among the several Hearing aid devices available. It
sits deep in the ear canal making it invisible even when directly looking at
the ear bowl. Since it is placed inside the ear, it gives a more natural
experience of hearing. Furthermore in this aid, the ear canal is not blocked
with a large shell.

Extended wear hearing aids are
placed inside the ear, with the help of a professional and is kept in the ear
for 1-3 months continuously. These are probably the most comfortable aids since
it avoids daily insertion, removal and cleaning. Also since the aid is placed
near to the ear drum it gives a more clear and natural amplification of sounds.
Designed to mitigate the
occlusion effect in other devices, OFT is similar to the BTE. It has a small
case sitting outside the ear and a tube running into the ear ending.
These new age devices allow the
user to program the devices according to their own preferences using a PC. If
an individual is unable to customize the settings, manufactures and dealer
could do it remotely.
The battery in the disposable
hearing aids is non-replaceable. The device becomes useless once the battery
runs out but the fact that the battery need not be recharged often makes it
easy to use.
The hearing aid devices are
useful for individuals with mild, moderate and severe hearing loss. Recently,
the advancement in technology has helped invent a number of devices that are
more efficient and easy to use.
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